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CADISOL TISSUE CAUTERANT A specialized tissue cauterant. Formulated to dry, bleach, disinfect and preserve denuded areas.  Works great to sear abrasions, skin grafts, anti-mortem and post-mortem discolorations. prep room


Product Code: CHFD0035
UPC Code: 1
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A specialized tissue cauterant.
Formulated to dry, bleach, disinfect and preserve denuded areas.
Works great to sear abrasions, skin grafts, anti-mortem and post-mortem discolorations.
Cadisol may be applied hypodermically or using a surface pack.
1 Pint Plastic Bottle.

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Chemical Magic for Body Appearance.Enables any embalmer to quickly perform a miracle in restoring natural appearance.Quickly forms a gel when injected to fill out sunken, emaciated tissue.Requires just a few ounces injected hypodermically.Solvent is available to quickly clean hypodermic needles.


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